Program to adjust the QR code that is scaled horizontally and vertically


The program that adjusts the distorted QR code image into a correct shape. This program can be used when the QR code is vertically scaled and horizontally scaled. Please use this program if you want to adjust the QR code that is distorted as such.

Make a new Python file in Google Colab, and paste the source code below.

Suppose that you want to adjust input.png file. If you run this program, you can uploade this file. After that, the resultant output.png file is downloaded.



from google.colab import files
import os
import numpy as np
import cv2
def main():
  if os.path.exists('input.png'):
  for x in range(1,oldcols):
    for y in range(0,oldrows):
      if input[y,x]!=input[y,x-1]:
    if n>threshold:
  for y in range(1,oldrows):
    for x in range(0,oldcols):
      if input[y,x]!=input[y-1,x]:
    if n>threshold:
  for yy in range(0,len(posy)):
    for xx in range(0,len(posx)):
      if yy<len(posy)-1:
      if xx<len(posx)-1:
      for y in range(yy*8,(yy+1)*8):
        for x in range(xx*8,(xx+1)*8):
if __name__=='__main__':
